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Aging Mastery Program - Week 3

The Aging Mastery Program (AMP) is a fun and engaging education program for aging well. During the program, participants create their own playbook for aging well through actionable goals, sustainable behaviors, social engagement, and gratitude. LivingWell NV is excited to offer the AMP in the northern Nevada community, which has been made possible due to the generous support of Anthem Medicare.

The AMP curriculum covers 10 topics over the span of 10-weeks. Each class lasts 90 minutes and includes a presentation by an expert speaker, relevant resource handouts, and time for participants to engage with one another and share what they have learned.

When they graduate from AMP, participants have set goals for positive actions in many aspects of their lives such as exercise, nutrition, finances, advance care planning, community engagement, and healthy relationships.

During the program, participants have opportunities with earn rewards for engagement and implementation of their new skills and knowledge. Participants who meet minimum requirements for successful completion of AMP will be invited to a formal graduation, where friends, family, and AMP facilitators will celebrate their accomplishments.

AMP runs as a 10-week cohort. New participants may not join the current program after the start date of August 24th, 2024, and will need to wait until the next AMP offering.

Tuition cost: $60
Limited scholarships available for those with financial hardship.

August 31

Aging Mastery Program - Week 2

September 14

Aging Mastery Program - Week 4